Snowy Mountain

Between traveling for a few days and picking up a nasty head cold I took a little pause on photo blogging. (There’s a reason the tagline says “a photo a day-ish”.) In any case here is a new submission for today. This snow-capped mountain is just outside of Sitka, Alaska. The first picture is what I came up with after playing with it in Paint Shop Pro for a little while. The second is the original. I obviously need to invest in some filters for my Nikon D5100 which is what I used for this photo.


Now looking at the original image you can see why the editing was necessary. Without it the mountain just blends into the sky too much. Time to go look for filters on Amazon.


Presidents Day

In honor of Presidents Day I’m posting a couple appropriately themed photos today. This is Mt. Vernon which was home of President George Washington before, during, and after his presidency. Photo taken July, 2007.

In February 2009 I happened to encounter our first and sixteenth presidents in Old Town Alexandria on Presidents Day. Now if that’s not a coincidence of mind-blowing historic proportions I don’t know what is. 😉

President's Day

I took both of these photos with my Casio EX-Z1050.